Saturday, February 2, 2019

What Ministries Does DTM Do?

This blog has been in existence since 2011 in one form or another. In 2016, I rechristened it "David's Throne Ministries". In another place, I clarified why I call it "David's Throne" Ministries. But in this post, I want to talk about why it is called David's Throne "Ministries". In other words, what kinds of "ministries" (note the plural) is DTM involved with? That is an excellent question!

At the moment, the primary ministry of DTM is this blog. This blog is designed to be a place where I, Christian Edmiston, can write freely about various, biblical and theological issues from the perspective of an ultra-conservativepredestinarian, charismatic, and non-dispensational believer in Jesus Christ. That doesn't mean that Christians with differing views than mine are unwelcome to interact, or that I think of them as somehow lesser than myself. I feel though that it is good to state where I am on these issues for the sake of clarity. I also have found that in most other places, I would be hampered from ministering according to my conscience based on my beliefs. Therefore, I set up this blog where I can be unfettered. 

As much as I love writing, that is not all that I hope to do. In the coming months, I am (Lord willing) going to begin a YouTube Channel where I will begin producing videos along the same lines as this blog, but which can go deeper. But in addition to that, I hope to begin posting more sermons on this site. At the moment, you can hear one message I preached here (click the link, go to "speakers", and find my name). But next month, I will be bringing the Sunday morning message at Allentown Bible Church, which I plan on making available via recording on this site. Hopefully, that will lead to more opportunities to teach and preach, something which is a passion of mine. As time goes on, I hope to make myself available for pulpit supply.

Additionally, I also have experience leading congregational worship and singing. If God sees fit, I hope to also make myself available as a fill-in worship leader for Sunday services, mid-week gatherings, or conferences. 

Mind you that all of these things are only possible through God's sovereign will and prayer. If you are reading this, I hope that you will consider praying for me and with me. I do not dare believe that I am sufficient unto myself to do anything of value in the Kingdom of God. But I do believe that I possess the calling, gifting, and passion that would make these possible through God's grace. Blessings in Christ.



  1. I cannot find where the word "speaker" is located on the site.

    1. Sorry. There is a tab that looks like 3 or 4 horizontal lines that pulls up the list of speakers.


The Gospel of God, Part 2

In  my last post , I took a look at Paul's description of the gospel of God from Romans 1:1-4, showing that his gospel was rooted in the...