It has been two months since John MacArthur's controversial "Strange Fire" Conference and about a month since the eponymous book was released, which has caused no small storm in the larger evangelical community, at least in the Western world. Indeed, Dr. Michael Brown's response "Authentic Fire" has already been published and R.T. Kendall's book "Holy Fire" is being published in January 2014.
Much has been made of the tone of Dr. MacArthur himself and his comrades (and rightfully so), but after thinking about it some, I have come to the conclusion that, while John MacArthur's hermeneutics and exegesis are seriously flawed when it comes to spiritual gifts, he is nevertheless doing at least one thing right.
Now before the reader goes into apoplexy over the fact that a reformed charismatic believer is kinda sorta rushing to MacArthur's defense, please note a few things. Firstly, John MacArthur would have absolutely no interest in anything I have to say. I am quite certain he hasn't the slightest care that I either defend him or attack him. Secondly, I am only kind of defending him. I am certainly not endorsing his views on spiritual gifts and their supposed cessation, nor am I saying he is without fault here. Thirdly, Dr. MacArthur has undeniably been a benefit to the Church at large and has left a legacy that believers of all persuasions should honor. I have benefited greatly, like many others, from Dr. MacArthur's expository preaching ministry.
What I am doing is simply pointing out that, at least from my perspective (limited as it is), John MacArthur is only following the logical conclusions from his presuppositions. In fact, if I were him, I would almost certainly be doing the exact same things he has been doing. If I honestly believed in cessation and had that kind of platform, I too would have had that conference and published that book.
Why is that? I am glad you asked! Simply put, the main reason is that, by gifting, John MacArthur is a teacher. I too, consider teaching to be my primary spiritual gift (though I think I may have at least one other). Teachers care about truth.....a....lot. For teachers, truth matters, virtually over everything else. That is how I feel for certain. Teachers often have strong convictions. I have very strong beliefs and convictions about several topics that the Bible teaches on. My convictions that the miraculous gifts continue is no less strong than Dr. MacArthur's that they have ceased.
Of course, there is just one problem with the above statement. Both of us can't be right! Either spiritual gifts like prophecy and healing have continued or they have not. Pretensions of a middle ground simply won't do. Also, the truth or fallacy of cessation is true for all people, in all places, in all times, and in all circumstances. We can't afford any postmodern ambiguity here. Either John MacArthur or I am preaching falsehood. While this is not a gospel primary issue, it is nevertheless of extreme importance in the ministry of the Church; and her vitality and effectiveness is at stake in this debate. All that to say is that Dr. MacArthur is only doing what would be the logical thing to do if his thesis is correct. It is in this way, that I kinda sorta don't fault him for his activities over the last several months. Of course, I do in fact, fault him for his theology of spiritual gifts, but even the best of us is prone to errors of this kind.
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Good Article, and very true.